
As a Book Coach, I help you take the ideas in your head and get them onto paper in a way that is clear, coherent and memorable.

Our work together creates a professionally-written manuscript in your own voice that can be submitted to a publisher or self-published. I coach you throughout the full book manuscript creation process.

The writer’s journey is a deeply personal one. It is often the process of forging not only one’s writing, but also oneself. There are inner hurdles we must overcome. Like a sports coach, I coach not only skills, but also attend to the whole person in our work together.

Book Coaching

The typical process begins with meeting writers in the early stages of developing their content and structure. During regular meetings, I act as a sounding board, thinking partner and guide as the writing progresses.

While I recommend outlining as a preliminary step, some writers may benefit from writing chapters by topic, then working with me to discover their book structure. Our approach will vary, depending on book type and author experience.

Some sample coaching topics:

  • Clarifying message and audience

  • Outlining and narrative structure (the most overlooked part of the writing process)

  • Storytelling, e.g. story arc, how to “show” vs. “tell,” dialogue, time-shifts, etc.

  • Effective use of story within your manuscript: anecdotes, vignettes, etc.

  • Clarity of communication

  • Flow and logic

  • Writing skills: tips & tricks, timing, topic jars, etc.

  • Research skills

  • Interviewing skills (if required for the project)

  • Rewriting/Revising

Manuscript Consulting

I also work with writers who have completed or partially-completed manuscripts who are needing direction or clarity to complete their project. Known as substantive editing, in this manuscript consulting, the above coaching process will be adapted to your specific project.

Editing and Revision Process

Once your writing is complete, we work together through the editing and revising process, which can be several separate edits of your work and manuscript.

Self-publishing Process (limited)

While I can advise authors in a limited way on the self-publishing process, I do not currently offer services in the area of publishing or marketing. 

Design Referrals

Layout (typesetting), interior design and cover design are separate areas that I usually refer to other specialists, should an author wish to take the self-publishing route.

Hourly & Package Fees

Typically, I charge on an hourly, rather than project, basis. For my standard rate ($115 USD/hour) discounted bulk packages may be purchased in advance (one bonus hour for every 10 coaching hours booked).

I will occasionally accept clients at a reduced rate. I make my decision on a case-by-case basis. Reduced rates are on an as-available basis only.

Book a Conversation


We’ll sharpen your focus and walk you through every step of the process.